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Mens Haircut
Womens Haircut

Curling Iron Style

balayage is a technique where the hair lightener is painted onto the hair to create more of a lived in, soft and natural gradation from your natural base color to a lighter color throughout the ends. glaze/shadow root is not included in price recommend to come every 8-16 weeks

Highlight (full)
recommend retouch of highlights every 6-8 weeks. glaze/shadow root is not included in price

Highlight (partial)
partial highlight around hair line, and part line only. perfect for in between full highlight to hold you over til your next full highlight appointment. glaze/shadow root is not included in price

Single Process
root touch up to cover grays recommend retouch every 4-6 weeks glaze is not included in price

Single process & Balayage
balayage with touch up to color grays glaze is not included in price

Single process & highlight
highlights with touch up to cover grey in between recommended 8-12 weeks glaze is not included in price

mens color